Tales From a Thousand Worlds

Updates Monday, Wednesday and Saturday

Category Archives: General

November Hiatus

As may have been noticed, I have been a tad quiet so far this month.  The reason for that is NaNoWriMo.

I have attempted it a number of times previous, with no success, but this year I am determined to succeed.  So far it is going well – I’m on track and still have ideas to get down.

I will be adding a couple of posts soon I hope, to conclude the two current ongoing stories – The Sleepers in the Marsh and In The Lair of the Bloody Handed.  Plus, after the nanowrimo story is completed and tidied up some, I hope to share it as well.

Coming Up Next

With both Nights of Fire and The City in Shadows having finished, we will be moving on to the next stories.

The City on Shadows will be followed by the eight Peregrine and Blade story, entitled Dreams of Days to Come.  A dark and terrible power has arisen in the jungles to the south of Metsheput, bringing with it death and destruction.  At the behest of the Metsheputi Queen, Peregrine and Blade travel to confront the darkness before it brings ruin to all.

Nights of Fire will be followed by the second of the comedic sci-fi Ray the Robot stories.  In Ray and the Alien Princesses, Ray’s hapless master Brian is  on the run from NavCorp for, among other things, Grand Theft Starship and impersonating a robot.  Crash landing on an alien planet, he finds it is inhabited by a bevy of green skinned alien princesses who desire his help.  Ray is less than convinced of their designs and once more has to save his master, whether he desires it or not.

A Bonus Post and a New Story

With the completion of Hammer of the Pygmies, a new Wednesday story will be starting, this one being Nights of Fire, the sixth in the Chronicles of the White Bull collection, continuing on with the journey of Nhaqosa.

Given the brevity of the last entry for Hammer of the Pygmies, I have decided that later on today I will post the first entry for Nights of Fire to make up for it.

Web Fiction Guide Listing

I have just had this blog listed over at Web Fiction Guide, a collection of links to other webfiction, as well as reviews.  Tales From A Thousand Worlds has its own listing there, where readers can recommend it, rate it and even leave reviews.

As part of the Web Fiction Guide is a link on Top Web Fiction, where the collection can be voted for weekly.

The Upcoming Schedule

With the start of Echo of the Ages, it is time to announce the schedule for futures posts.  I will still be sticking to three posts a week, with the schedule for each of them as follows;

Saturday:  Echo of the Ages.  Echo of the Ages is a long term project, seeing as how it is a sprawling epic fantasy, with all that entails.  It will be the main focus of the site for now, and certainly have the longest posts.  For now it will be one day a week, though that may change depending on how it goes and how much of a backlog I can build up.

Monday:  The Deeds of Peregrine and Blade.  The story of Peregrine and Blade is far from complete.  So far we are up to the sixth story of their collection.  I have another eight that have been completed and are ready to go, and eight more besides them in various states of being written.  Even once they are done the series will continue on for as long as I have the ideas and people enjoy it.

Wednesday:  Various.  Wednesdays will be for other stories, whether standalone or ones drawn from other series.

A New Year and a New Start

A new year is upon us, again.  Despite the best of intentions, towards the end of last year things sort of fell away with regards to updating the stories here.  The good news is that I will shortly begin posting them again.  First up it to complete Legion of the Sands and then we will commence two more – the next in The Chronicles of the White Bull, entitled Nights of Fire, and the third in the Peregrine and Blade collection, called The Sign of the Bronze Hammer.


Apologies for the lack of updates of recent.  It hasn’t been for lack of interest or of actual material, but of time to sit down and organise the posts.  Hopefully that will change soon and I can get back on schedule.

Coming Soon

Both of the current stories, Wisdom From The Ashes and Daughter of the Windswept Hills, are drawing close to their ends.

Replacing Wisdom From The Ashes is the next in The Chronicles of the White Bull series, Legion of the Sands, an 8200 word novelette.

sm_TCWB_Legions of the Sands



Following on from Daughter of the Windswept Hills is the next Deeds of Peregrine and Blade sword and sorcery story, an almost 18000 word novella which introduces the other member of the due, Blade, entitled The Red Blade.

sml_The Red Blade

And Now For Something Different

For the next four Wednesdays, I will be posting up something a little different than the current selection of stories.  Each post will be a short story of between one to two thousand words that form the The Cahuac Cycle.  In time there will be more stories in the collection, though they are as of yet not written.

These are fantasy, but not your typical fantasy – they are mythic fantasy from the dawn of time, tales from a people called the Aracan about their greatest ancestor-hero, Cahuac, his adventures and how the world came to be as it is.

The first four stories are Cahuac and the Sun, The Bowl of Storms, Cahuac and the Bees and Wolf and the Stars

Coming Up Next

With Echoes of Dark Reflections now having finished, it is time to start the next stories.  In this case I will be running two different stories at the same time.  One is the next in The Chronicles of the White Bull, called Wisdom from the Ashes.

The second will be the first story from The Deeds of Peregrine and Blade, a sword and sorcery series very much in the manner of the pulps of old.  The first story in this rather large collection is a novelette entitled Daughter of the Windswept Hills, which will be followed by the novella length The Red Blade.

The schedule for the moment is to have The Chronicles of the White Bull run on Monday and Wednesday, while The Deeds of Peregrine and Blade will be on Saturdays.