Tales From a Thousand Worlds

Updates Monday, Wednesday and Saturday

Monthly Archives: May 2016

Web Fiction Guide Listing

I have just had this blog listed over at Web Fiction Guide, a collection of links to other webfiction, as well as reviews.  Tales From A Thousand Worlds has its own listing there, where readers can recommend it, rate it and even leave reviews.

As part of the Web Fiction Guide is a link on Top Web Fiction, where the collection can be voted for weekly.

About Echo of the Ages

As I have just started the Echo of the Ages of the serial, I felt I should discuss it a little, of how it is structured and what it is all about.

Echo the Ages is a sprawling epic fantasy, with all that that entails.  Added to this is a lot of delving into ruins and tombs for lost relics and treasures, as that is what the starting POV character, Kathri, does for a living.

As for the structure of the story, it is in the form of a serial.  For comparison, consider a TV series that has lasted several seasons, one with an overarching plot that encompasses the length of the series..  Each book in the series is the equivalent of a single season, with an ongoing arc.  Each part is like a single episode.  It ties in with the arc mostly, but the events within it are mostly solved by the end of the part.  The chapters are like scenes in the episode.  Hopefully that makes sense.

The Upcoming Schedule

With the start of Echo of the Ages, it is time to announce the schedule for futures posts.  I will still be sticking to three posts a week, with the schedule for each of them as follows;

Saturday:  Echo of the Ages.  Echo of the Ages is a long term project, seeing as how it is a sprawling epic fantasy, with all that entails.  It will be the main focus of the site for now, and certainly have the longest posts.  For now it will be one day a week, though that may change depending on how it goes and how much of a backlog I can build up.

Monday:  The Deeds of Peregrine and Blade.  The story of Peregrine and Blade is far from complete.  So far we are up to the sixth story of their collection.  I have another eight that have been completed and are ready to go, and eight more besides them in various states of being written.  Even once they are done the series will continue on for as long as I have the ideas and people enjoy it.

Wednesday:  Various.  Wednesdays will be for other stories, whether standalone or ones drawn from other series.