Tales From a Thousand Worlds

Updates Monday, Wednesday and Saturday

Tag Archives: Serial

About Echo of the Ages

As I have just started the Echo of the Ages of the serial, I felt I should discuss it a little, of how it is structured and what it is all about.

Echo the Ages is a sprawling epic fantasy, with all that that entails.  Added to this is a lot of delving into ruins and tombs for lost relics and treasures, as that is what the starting POV character, Kathri, does for a living.

As for the structure of the story, it is in the form of a serial.  For comparison, consider a TV series that has lasted several seasons, one with an overarching plot that encompasses the length of the series..  Each book in the series is the equivalent of a single season, with an ongoing arc.  Each part is like a single episode.  It ties in with the arc mostly, but the events within it are mostly solved by the end of the part.  The chapters are like scenes in the episode.  Hopefully that makes sense.

Upcoming Stories

I currently have rather a large collection of short fiction written up, totalling near 40 stories, ranging from very short stories to much longer novellas.  Between them there are near 400,000 words, or around the length of four average novels.

Those are just the ones written.  There are a number more in planning or the early stages of writing.

Over time they will all be making an appearance here.  Given the number of stories already written, it may be a while before all of them are shared.  Plus there will be some proper serials starting up at some point as well.

As an indication of what will appear here, and the types of stories they are, here are some of them.

The Deeds of Peregrine and Blade

Pulp style sword and sorcery short fiction influenced by the likes of Robert E. Howard, Fritz Leiber and Michael Moorcock, this collection of sixteen currently written stories (and eight more already planned) follows the adventures of Peregrine, the Aedring swordmaiden, and Carse of the Red Blade, swordsman, dabbler in magic and former assassin.

The first of these stories should be shared soon.

The Adventures of Sir Richard Hammerman

Set in an alternate steampunk/weird science/fantasy Earth, this collection of stories features gentleman-adventurer Sir Richard Hammerman, and his friends and colleagues, including Captain Archibald ‘Archie’ Hammerman, Professor Hamilton Gooding, Obadiah Crabb and more, as they travel around the dark continent of Africus and beyond, encountering pygmies, pterodactyls, weird cults and more.

Primal Tales

A collection of short fiction set in a primordial fantasy world, a place of ancient forests and ruins, of mega beasts and predators.  It is in this world that the Huatti lizardman Tudhala Ramal and the human hunter Braega make their way.

The Adventures of Ray the Robot

A SF/comedy series, Ray the Robot is a possibly malfunctioning robot tested to the limits trying to keep his ‘master’ Brian out of trouble, a fact made more difficult by Brian’s tendency to naively jump both feet first into trouble.

These are just some of the stories that have been written and will be shared here.

The Road Ahead

The site is slowly coming together and with the first story posted, it is time to plan for what is to come next.

I am planning to have a schedule of posting three times a week with new stories or chapters of stories given the length of many of them.  Each post will be around 1000 words, give or take depending on what is happening in the story.  That schedule should be Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.  Normally that will be done in Australian time.

I do plan for Monday and Saturday to be for short stories, while Wednesday will be for an ongoing serial at some point, though as to what it will be and when it will start, that is not yet certain.

For the time I will be starting off with The Chronicles of the White Bull, starting with The Pit.  This collection is a series of 8 stories recounting the journeys of Nhaqosa the Minotaur through a dying world.